
This is my archive

Felted Landscapes – Margaret Anne Smith

Depict the colours and textures of your favourite landscape with wool! In this two-day course, learn about various kinds of wool (a sustainable material) and see how they work in this ancient craft of felt-making! Using two felting techniques (wet-felting and dry or needle-felting), play with colours and textures and create wall hangings to take home with you. If you like, bring a photo or sketch of a chosen landscape. The instructor will provide samples and additional photos for inspiration; walk you through the wet-felting and needle-felting processes; demonstrate the basics of embellishing finished felted work with hand-stitching; and give options for framing your finished work. You will complete two small samples and one larger work (approx. 16x20") over two days. Read More

Making Oven Fired Pizza – Milda Titford

Learn how to make really delicious bread and pizza in a wood fired oven! Once our bread is shaped, happily rising and baking in the oven we will cover rudiments of simple pizza dough making. We will discuss some history, ethics and background on grains, flour and other ingredients that are used in making pizzas. You will experience bread shaping, rolling techniques, essential knife and cutting skills, making and topping your own pizzas and will come out of this workshop carrying your own loaf of hot sourdough bread and 1 or 2 different pizzas to boot. Delicious! Read More

Figure Drawing – Matt Watkins

Develop your figure drawing skills, by broadening your knowledge of human anatomy and understanding how it can inform your drawings. You will learn through a combination of anatomy lectures, drawing demonstrations, analysis of photographic reference, drawing practice from a live model, and receiving feedback on your work. Read More

Embroidery on Photographs – Cat Candow

A delightfully creative overlap between photography and textile arts. Learn how to stitch on printed photographs to add texture and colour. Liven up those old misprints in the bottom of the old family photo box or let your imagination run wild by turning magazine and book pages into one-of-a-kind artwork. Read More

Intro to Solar Printing – Renata Britez

In this intro course, you’ll learn all the steps required to create your solar prints of found materials. From an introduction to tools and materials, to creating images on transparent media or photo film using exposure to natural light. Discover how to apply your prints onto different surfaces such as paper, fabric, and wood, with the use of photos, plants, flowers, and even objects to create unique patterns and designs. Solar printing is one of the oldest photographic printing processes which uses photosensitive solutions and exposure to ultraviolet light (the sun). The result is a monoprint with distinctive brilliant blue, pink, purple, and orange hues. Read More

Eco Printing – Renata Britez

Get to know the colourful bounty of Maritimes flora by working with fresh plants foraged by Natural Dyer Renata Britez. Natural dyeing can be fun, but the experience of using seasonal and regionally relevant plants, as opposed to pre-extracted and imported powders, provides a real connection to this age-old process. Participants will come away with an understanding of natural dyeing with fresh raw dye surface design techniques. Each participant will have sample swatches in various sustainable fibres, a finished silk scarf dyed with local colour, as well as informational handouts on how to repeat the process at home with local plants. Read More