
This is my archive

Intro to Pattern Drafting – Nicole Daigle

Gain the skills and knowledge required to create custom-fit outfits from scratch with NBCCD Fashion alumna, Nicole Daigle, as your teacher. In this course, you will learn how to draft patterns from your (or a friend’s) measurements, alter them so they fit any body type perfectly, and manipulate those patterns into designs. Read More

Felted Landscapes – Margaret Anne Smith

Join Margaret-Anne Smith's felt-making workshop to learn wet and needle-felting techniques, creating vibrant landscapes to adorn your walls. Unleash your creativity with various wool types and textures! Read More

Figure Drawing – Matt Watkins

Develop your figure drawing skills, by broadening your knowledge of human anatomy and understanding how it can inform your drawings. You will learn through a combination of anatomy lectures, drawing demonstrations, analysis of photographic reference, drawing practice from a live model, and receiving feedback on your work. Read More