honeybee folk school

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Making Oven Fired Pizza (July 23) – Milda Titford

Learn how to make really delicious bread and pizza in a wood fired oven! Once our bread is shaped, happily rising and baking in the oven we will cover rudiments of simple pizza dough making. We will discuss some history, ethics and background on grains, flour and other ingredients that are used in making pizzas. You will experience bread shaping, rolling techniques, essential knife and cutting skills, making and topping your own pizzas and will come out of this workshop carrying your own loaf of hot sourdough bread and 1 or 2 different pizzas to boot. Delicious! Read More

Lino Printmaking – Julie Whitenect

Dive into the world of printmaking! Lino prints are one of the most diverse and accessible methods of printmaking, whether you have access to a printmaking studio or just work at your kitchen table. Learn about the history and capabilities of the medium while discovering your own style. Students will be provided with the tools they need to make a small edition of prints, with lots of room for experimentation. Read More